Thursday, February 21, 2013

Innocence of a child will put a smile on your face!

I finished putting our labels on the little banks!!

We have been talking to my babysitting kids about us adopting, I went and checked out children's books about adoption to read to them, to help them understand a little. They are so excited!! they keep asking so when are you "going to have a baby" and I have to remind them that I am not going to have the baby, that there is a special person out there who is going to have a baby and need us to take care of that baby. We told them to think of all the things you need for a baby, so they started naming things off, a pacifier, a bottle, diaper bag, crib, car seat, toys, food, etc.... and we asked them do those things cost a lot of money or a little? Their response was yelling--A LOT!!!! So when i showed them that we were going to pass out these little banks for families to save their change so we can save up money to get a baby, they were like "do I get one" so i said sure! they all chose which one they wanted and went home. One little girl in particular was just so excited that she could help out by saving change, she was so proud of the bank that she wouldn't let her sister even hold it, she said her sister loses things and "I don't want her to lose my bank" It made me laugh. So this morning when she came back she had her bank with her, I was a little shocked, she and her mom informed me that she went home and emptied her own piggy bank and put almost all her money in our little bank and was so excited to show and count how much money she saved for us! Wow, an innocent child doing her best, that is what keeps our drive up to keep fishing for a family! We know the joys that children bring we get to see it everyday through my babysitting kids oh how i love them!

I started babysitting Kambria when she was 4 months old and she is now 5
She is so proud of her money she raised for us to get a baby!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Updates on fundraisers and a whole lot of Thanks!

Hi everyone,

Wow, the response for prayers and help is amazing!!! So i am going to update everyone, I am working on these little banks i purchased and am going to send out to close family and friends to start saving change! Also i am keeping track of what all of you have donated whether it is your time, your help, donations for rummage sale, bigger raffle things, and ideas for fundraisers i have a notebook i am writing it all down in! If you have questions please message me on Facebook or on the blog!

so far, 

Soup on the go -  after church will be on the 24th ( when I get more details i will let you all know)

Little Banks - as soon as i get cover printed and letter wrote up will be sent out

No dates set yet for the following:

Rummage sale - donations can be brought to me(Staci) or to Christian Church of DeMotte, we have storage for them so if you need your donations out right away that is where you can take them, thank you to the many donations so far!

Golf outing -

Concert -

Spaghetti dinner -  Raffle - (Misty Marlow - donated photo session)

Fishing tournament: -

Other misc donations:

Patty and Mike Daily - donating profit from their own yard sale
Dawn Purdy - Preschool pak fundraiser

Friday, February 15, 2013

So Blessed Beyond Words

Wow! God has truly blessed us with a HUGE network of loving and caring and supportive family and friends. 

and now I know if I just overcome my fear and put this whole process in God's hands everything will be taken care of and He will provide!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

New Chapter : Fishing on Faith For a Family

Haven't been on here for awhile life has still been throwing its challenges, but with God we grow stronger through each one. I will get you up to speed, We went through another round of ivf and we also did a frozen embryo transfer and they both failed it was very disappointing and upsetting! Our insurance is done for fertility procedures, we do still have two frozen embryos left but we are saving those for a later time down the road, we are turning a page in our story and beginning a new chapter in our lives!! I gave our new chapter a title of Fishing on Faith For a Family! I chose this for the title because God has told us to be Fishermen and Fish for men (well in our case it is babies) and we have to rely on Faith through this new journey for a family, drum roll please..................we are moving on to Adoption!!


  We are a little scared but are really excited, I am especially excited because that means no more shots or medicines so now I can get myself in a better shape and healthy again! I know this road wont be just plain and easy I am sure we will have a few hills to trek up but we are ready for the adventure God will be taking us on. I will be calling a lady today to talk to her about the steps we need to take and me and my Extraordinary family and friends have already came up with several fundraising ideas!

We are going to go through Lutheran social services of Indiana. We are just in the beginning stages. We are scared and excited but really ready to move on, fertility procedures took a toll on my body! NO MORE SHOTS!!! I am so glad for that, now back to Adoption! we have some fundraising to do, we are going to do a soup-on-the-go for our church family, we will be holding a yard sale, so if you have things to donate for the yard sale they are greatly appreciated, also we may be holding a spaghetti dinner. Those are some things we have come up with so far, We know this journey wont be easy as pie, but we are ready for the hard work, we are so thankful for all the support we have with our family and friends. If you have questions don't hesitate to ask, we are going to be open about expenses, our worries, our joys, through this journey you will ALL be a part of this child's journey to being a part of our family, I pray everyday that God has the perfect child out there for our family.