Saturday, July 6, 2013

finally all updated!

Well phew! just got you all updated now withing the last i think four posts! Just want to drop a thank you again for just continuing to pray for us and the birth-mom and the baby! Have a blessed Saturday!

now it is time to have a nice and relaxing evening!

The Nursery.....

The nursery is coming together!!!   
 Here are some sneak peak pictures!!!

The colors are a sage green and tan! the bedding we want is..
It is just us, lil deer! love it!

 The bassinet and
 the crib!                                                                          Thank you holly for the crib!

The closet, with some of the clothes many people have given me all washed and ready!(thank you to all who have given me clothes!)
some diapers, my old teddy when i was a baby, (the right one) lil shoes...
 The changing area newborn diapers are so adorable and so so tiny!

We were Chosen.

Well most of you now know that we were chosen! And our journey has been just wonderful, we have fears of the unknown but that is OK, we have a Mighty God on our side and will make it through no matter what happens! We found out the birth-mom is having a boy, we are super excited! we have been getting things together and the nursery all set up, we have gotten so many things handed down to us, clothes, crib, baby bath and formula, we have about 4 weeks till she is due, please be praying for her and her decision, I can't even imagine what is going through her head, I pray for her everyday and wonder how she is doing and how the baby is doing. We met with the birth-dad and birth-mom on Father's day Sunday It was so special it was the first time being so close to the baby! It was very nerve wrecking, but it was very enjoyable and she really wanted to meet us, which i understand that she needs to know we are real people and not just pictures in a profile book, to get a feel for us and all, she texted our adoption specialist later that day and said she really likes us and is glad with her decision of picking us! that gave us a huge relief. So now we just have to be patient and pray and wait......I become more nervous the closer it gets wondering if this ending is going to be a happy one or not so happy? I also wonder and my heart hurts for her and the hurt she will go through, with me wanting a baby so bad I just couldn't imagine going through something like that, we did find out that the birth-mom and birth-dad have a little girl together as well so I know she knows how all of this goes and how she is going to feel, I have never experience anything like that so I just can't imagine......If she does choose to let him go and we become parents to him, I will strive all my life to give him the greatest life possible, everyday i will cherish him and know she gave us the greatest gift ever. Knowing we may never get pregnant has taken a toll and I just keep praying that we will be able to give him a sibling whether through adopting again or pregnancy. My mind is just everywhere anymore these days, good and bad, but I know I have the Lord and My husband the greatest man the Lord has ever given me right by my side through this journey called Life.

God Sent an ANGEL!

God just knows when you need an Angel!  We got ours a few weeks ago....... It was just a normal Sunday evening and we got a knock on our door from a man delivering a card to us from someone in his church who wants to be unknown so they now have the name ANGEL! It was just what i needed i was a little down and trying to not be worried about our adoption and raising of the money and all! the card had the just the right words for just this right moment....... it said...

God Cares about every detail of your life...

                                                                He collects every tear in a bottle.
                                                                 (Psalm 56:8)

He numbers every hair on your head.
(Luke 12:7)

                                                               He know every hurt in your heart.
                                                                   (Psalm 34:18)

The Lord knows all you are going through. He love you, He cares for you, and he will make sure not one detail is overlooked in your life.      Thinking of you and praying too!

Wow those words, they still mean so much to me, and still get me all choked up.
It was one of those Angel moments and I praise God for that moment! 

just a lil note to that ANGEL, if for some reason they ever read this, We thank you so so much! you wrote in you card that you hoped your gift could help bring the little blessing home sooner and we are now down to 4 weeks till her due date we could never thank you enough for your gift and kind and encouraging words, as tears stream down my face I want you to know that I hope for one day to be an angel to someone as you were to me! thank you once again and God bless you.

bake sale went great!

Bake sale and plant sale at Sassafrass Hill went great! A HUGE THANK YOU! to my Aunt Kristy!!!!
for letting me set up and sell sell sell!  

 GettingReady and starting to bake! mmmm chocolate chip cookies!
What a cute chair planter she had there!

Our table of GOODIES!

 Here is some of the awesome plants and workers!