Friday, December 9, 2016

Christmas time

This is the time of the year that we all get a little more giving, a little more kind, our hearts seems to swell extra, but why? does that have to go away, why? cant we carry that out throughout the year? Well I have been thinking and I am not sure why that happens, maybe distractions, or things that happen that bring us down, anyways I have been trying to Bring God into our lives more than we already do, I know we go to church on Wednesday night and Sunday morning, and now with not being with the church i grew up in it has made things and getting involved even harder, I have been surrounding myself with those who believe like I do more now, just to get that encouragement and uplifting throughout the week! My heart was broke a lil yesterday. I know it is his age and he doesn't even know what he said or what it did to me, but I was baking and listening to Christmas music and he was helping me and said Jesus, (because the song said Jesus), and he goes no no no Jesus cant be in our home, he is bad, oh my did my heart sink, as a momma i thought what have i done wrong and have i not been showing him the right things, so as a momma i said no Jesus is good, we want him in our homes and our hearts, and he replies with momma you talk to much, you say blah blah was my heart now cracking, and I was thinking you lil brat, you don't even know how much I do for you. then I had to pray and calm down. did make me think a lot a lot about showing him so much more that God is and can be in our daily lives. So maybe it was a lesson for me to start NOW!!! don't wait any longer, It also has made me think maybe Jesus thinks that about us adults, that maybe we are brats and cant listen any more than a toddler does??!! so I am going to be creative and have more crafts and small lessons on Jesus and his stories, It has made me realize that I have to show him this. Wow what a big job I have but I can do it and with God's help!

So do any of you feel that way?
How do you deal with that/ or those times?
Pray and Pray some more is what I have learned and to just take a deep breath and keep going.

hope you all are having a great day!

Friday, December 2, 2016

updated 12/2/16

Since i been on last, we have now sold our house over 2years ago. We live with my parents, which has been wonderful. We all get along so well and help each other out with all the duties of a home. We have been praying so hard that my dad will get on disability so that my mom wont have to work so many hours! We have taken a break from fundraising, we just kind of save money on the side ourselves at the moment, we are also really trying to get our extra bills paid completely paid off and save up for building our home one day on our land. God has got all that under control. lets just say i have to constantly have to remind myself of that ha. Isaac is now three! yes three, i cant even believe it, i now have a niece rylee, that i babysit a few days a week, she is a lil stinker but a cutie.
at first he wasn't so sure of her but he has recently introduced her to his bff adalynn, as his baby cousin rylee. it was so adorable. my heart was melting! she just stares at him in awe and i think she wants to run around like he is. well i think that is as updated as i can get you all, got to go give the lil guy a bath. night everyone.